Sunday 24 July 2011

Pigs is pigs

Well, I asked at church about those pigs: The farmer who owns the field has several barns where he raises pigs. Those that die are placed in that container awaiting the dead stock collector. Usually they are baby pigs, so they don't overflow the container and can't be seen from the road. However, in this heat, adult pigs have become overstressed and have died, and therefore they don't fit as well in the bin.

No answer as to why it is taking so long for the disposal to occur, not to mention why they had to die as they did in the first place. 

I like Temple Grandin's approach to the humane treatment and slaughter of animals we eat. Something about just tossing them in a bin is not appetizing from any point of view.

The irony is that the waste bin is situated several yards in front of one of those earnest billboards adjuring its viewers to consider life sacred "from conception to natural death." 

It's an unintended - but jarring - juxtaposition.

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